The air we inhale is very important to our health, which is why it is important for you to keep up with your cabin filter’s condition. A cabin filter is a critical component to keep the air fresh and purified for passengers. Otherwise, contaminants and pollutants can make their way into the cabin.
After many miles of driving, your air filters can get jammed with pollutants, leaves, dust, debris, and more. As a result, your AC and heating may have to work extra hard to push air into your car. As a result, your car will burn more gas. Here are some more signs that indicate you need a cabin filter change.
Inconsistent Airflow From Vents
A filthy air filter can block the air ducts, leading to reduced airflow. If your A/C isn’t giving out the same pressure as usual, please bring it to our shop for inspections soon. We can replace your cabin air filter with ease.
Bad Odor From the Vents
When the air filter is plagued with dirt or dust, it can create a foul smell when it sits there for too long. Plus, bacteria can grow in the system as your vehicle ages. When you add moisture to that, it can give off a mildew smell as well. We welcome you to our auto repair shop for the fix.
Wrong Temperature
Dirty filters clog the cabin air system, and it may make it difficult for you to adjust the temperature inside the cabin
If you don’t want to face the discomforts of a dirty air filter, please be sure to replace it on time. We want you to breathe fresh and clean this spring and summer. If you need cabin air filter replacement, please give Foreign Auto Services Inc. a call or visit soon!