Posted on 9/30/2020

The brakes are an integral part of a vehicle’s safety system. If the brakes aren’t properly functioning, you lose the ability to slow down or bring the car to a complete stop. Brakes have a lifespan that doesn’t leave much room for maintenance to be ignored. If it’s been a long time since the brakes were serviced, they’ll start to give clear signals that an inspection is needed. Below are five warning signs that your brakes need professional attention. 1. The Brake Light Has Comes On The brake light can indicate you’re due for a service, or it can be alerting you to a problem. If your brakes have already been serviced, check that the parking brake is down. 2. Spongy Brake Pedal If you step on the brake pedal and notice very little resistance, the brakes should be inspected. There could be air or moisture trapped in the braking system. There can also be a major problem with the master cylinder. &nbs ... read more